Monday, April 11, 2011

Electricity Saving Awareness Program

If we waste electricity, then it may lead to two things:  First, there will be a lack of electricity available for importantly necessary works and industrial applications which could forth lead to hampered growth of the Nation. Secondly, more and more electricity will have to be produced which shall increase the utilization of Diesel and Coal and in turn lead to higher levels of pollution. We talk about increased in the production of electric power, but we can also do wonders in the direction of saving electric power. There is nothing much to be done in this regard. We just have to spread awareness in our own families. We can accomplish a huge target by just understanding the significance of Power and its usage thereby reducing its wastage. You would not only save yourself a fortune but would also be able to contribute a greater part towards the development of the country like a responsible citizen. We must put forward our active hands on these concerns and try the best of our efforts. Hence every individual should try to save power at his own level. First make yourself as an ideal in the field and then create the awareness of this campaign at others places.

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