Friday, March 4, 2011

Letter from Founder's Desk.

"You get the best of yourself when you give the best to others."
I would like to congratulate the whole RCM Family for the successful completion of a rewarding decade. During this phase we came together and built a stronger family that progressed and flourished. The period ended with "Revolutinary year 2010" where  we paid gratitude to all the successful idea and implementations. I am highly obliged with the hard work and love that you have showered on us.
Now this is the time of change. It is the time to transform the feel at RCM keeping the heritage intact. Over the years the "Karma" we where doing would be done with the new feel. For this we have come up with the new logo and essence. "The Circle of life" with the content of "Transforming Lives Transforming India"
We should also focus our energy towards the upliftment of the society, for this we have to work together to bring a better tomorrow.
We shoud also focus on the elements of the society. For this we have five important issues this year under "RCM Udbhav". These are to be followed for a better life.
1. De-Addiction
2. Woman Empowerment
3. Value Based Education
4. Say no To Firecrakers
5. Saving Electricity
At Last; I would like to wish a bright future to all the distributors. May Almight Lord gives you strenght, keep you happy, healthy and make you successful.
Grateful Thanks

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to the new era at RCM

Welcome to the
new era at RCM    
At RCM we've always believe in the power of our approach to improve the quality of  people's lives. Considering the wider impact of our actions is embedded in our values and is a fundamental part of who we are. Incorporated by the founder, Mr.T.C. Chhabra, belonging to the Chhabra Group.  
Moving through the tides of time, this journey has come to a new beginning, a journey. Over past few years, RCM has worked with detailed insight and come up with admirable massage in its symbol "The Circle of life". The new logo is a symbol of rejuvenation and harmony. This is the next evolutionary phases of our work. It present the new era of RCM.
The Circle of life represents growth and integrity. We invite you to learn more about the new feel of RCM
Which depicts the image of hand, water and a sapling. The hand represents care and inspiration, water indicates spirituality and calmness, sapling symbolizes growth, harmony and transformation. As we can briefly understand that the new symbol shows us the wonder of unity. Hand and water provides care and inspiration to the sapling which in return show growth, harmony and success. At RCM we believe in working the same way as “The Circle of life”. Over the next phase, Circle of life would seed, nurture and grow which provides a platform for the best practices. Today is an opportunity platform for transformation. Together we can bring a new circle in RCM where you can experience rejuvenation. This is why we had penned our slogan ” Transforming lives Transforming India” We believe in transforming the lives of people connected to RCM, there by reviving our nation.
For us, growth means to do good for the world. Taking the in initiative for bringing change in our society is a very important aspect of this organization. First we transform our selves then ask other's to follow. Working harder makes us stronger and better.  We use our energy and ethics to work for the well being of man and woman, on all their diversity, around the nation.
As our business grows, so do our responsibilities. Together with our distributors, we strive hard to put a meaningful purpose to our, to transform the way people think, Feel and ultimately live.